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Global Water Rate Case

Global Water has begun to file a rate case with the Arizona Corporation Commission. We filed the rate case on June 27th, 2024. 

The filing can be reviewed on the Arizona Corporation Commission's eDocket site:

To view a presentation of our filing, please click here

We have recently expanded our Customer Assistance Program and we may be able to help with bill payment assistance.  Please visit our Customer Assistance Program page for more information

Value of Global Water
The Value of Global Water

At Global Water, we care about our customers, the quality of the service we provide, and we strive to be good citizens of the communities we serve.

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Safe, Reliable Service

At Global Water, we take seriously our responsibility to provide safe, reliable drinking water, wastewater, and recycled water. Water samples across our water system are analyzed on a regular basis in material compliance with regulatory requirements. Water quality tests are conducted at subcontracted laboratory facilities in addition to providing continuous online instrumentation for monitoring parameters, such as turbidity and disinfectant residuals, and allowing for adjustments to chemical treatment based on changes in incoming water quality. For 2022, we achieved a compliance rate of 99.7% for meeting state and federal drinking water standards and 99.8% for compliance with wastewater requirements, for an overall compliance rating of 99.8%.

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Safe Employees

Now, more than ever, communities are recognizing that water is an essential service and our employees are essential employees. In the last three years, our employees have had no preventable reportable safety accidents.  That's important because we want all employees to go home safely every day.  It also results in real savings to customers, with lower workers compensation insurance costs and less lost working hours.

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Focus on Customer Service

We are about the communities we serve.  In 2022, we have contributed $10,000 to non-profit charities.  Additionally, we regularly support community food banks and seek opportunities to give back to the communities we serve.  We continue to expand our reach, recently sponsoring temporary lights to sports field in the Town of Sahuarita to support local youth sports. As continue to grow we are constantly looking for new opportunities to give back to the community which has given us so much.

Flexible Payment Planning
Caring for Our Customers

In 2020, we significantly expanded our Customer Assistance Program, to provide additional benefits to customers who are experiencing hardship.  Qualifying customers with reduced income, furloughed workers, those with medical hardships, disabled vets, and deployed service members may be eligible for up to $350 annually in bill payment assistance for Water Connections

Continuously Improving

We continuously invest in maintaining our utility systems, building projects to accommodate economic development in high growth areas, and working to assure that our utilities remain in compliance. We never want to let our customers or our communities down, and that means we are constantly focused on improving.

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Conserving Precious Water Resources

Since we first began, Global Water has focused on conserving water resources.  By encouraging the use of recycled water for irrigation, we have saved over 10.7 BILLION gallons of groundwater, saving that groundwater for future use.  We are leaders in helping resolve water scarcity problems in all of our utilities. 

Capital Improvements

Global Water is committed to constant capital investments improving our infrastructure for years to come. To see the improvements made to your water system, click on the link below. 

Capital Improvement
About the Rate Case
  • What is a rate case?
    Over the years a system has been developed to consider rate cases. The utility presents its case, and customers and regulators can challenge the utility’s requests. In Arizona, an independent agency represents customers’ interests, the Residential Utility Consumer Office ( RUCO has trained lawyers and accountants who represent customers in rate cases. Early in the process, a schedule of public hearings is created that allows the public to follow and participate in the process. The utility is required to support its request through testimony and exhibits that must meet rigorously applied standards of evidence. During the hearing process, the utility is subject to cross examination and evidence presented in the proceeding can be challenged on a number of grounds. The rate case process involves the following stakeholders: the utility; members of the public, including local government, public interest groups and other organizations and individuals; RUCO gets involved in certain cases, and the Arizona Corporation Commission Staff.
  • Why are the Global Water Utilities filing a rate case?
    The utilities Global Water has purchased in Pima County historically have not been adequately invested in to properly maintain the utility infrastructure. Global Water has is using our utility expertise and capital resources to restore these utilities. Global Water will continue to invest in updating these utility now and over time. Performing a rate case will allow Global Water to continue to provide safe, reliable drinking water.
  • Which Global Water Utilities are included in the rate case?
    The rate case will include the following utility companies, serving the following areas: Pima County Utilities Sahuarita and Green Valley, AZ Global Water- Las Quintas Serenas Water Company, Inc Three Points Global Water- Francesca Water Company, Inc. Global Water- Mirabell Water Company, Inc. Marana, AZ Global Water- Lyn Lee Water Company, Inc. Global Water- Tortolita Water Company, Inc Vail, AZ Global Water- Rincon Water Company, Inc
  • When will the rate changes take effect?
    We filed the Rate Case application on June 27, 2023. After the filing an extensive review will occur by the ACC, which is expected to take approximately 9 months. No rate changes or dates have been determined yet. As the process continues, Global water will make sure you are informed.
  • How long has it been since the Global Water Utilities filed a rate case?
    Global Water Utilities has never filed a rate case for any of the utilities in this Rate Case. The last time rate case were filed is listed below: Global Water- Francesca Water Company, Inc. - 2015 Global Water- Las Quintas Serenas Water Company, Inc- 2012 Global Water- Lyn Lee Water Company, Inc. - 1993 Global Water- Mirabell Water Company, Inc. - 2010 Global Water- Rincon Water Company, Inc - 1997 Global Water- Tortolita Water Company, Inc - 2004
  • What improvements have the Global Water Utilities made to Customer Service?
    Over the past two years, Global Water transition each of our Pima County utilities onto our standard suite of customer service applications. All customers now have access to a professionally staff call service center to assist with payments and service-related questions. Customers also have access to an industry leading customer portal. Customers can easily access their billing information, pay their bill, and receive conservation assistance at any time by access their account online. Customer are also eligible to receive assistance through our customer assistance program. This program provides payment assistance to customers experiencing low income, a work furlough, or a medical hardship, as well as assistance to disabled veterans and deployed service members.
  • What is the Arizona Corporation Commission's role in setting utility rates?
    The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) regulates investor‐owned water companies throughout the state. The ACC monitors service quality, sets rates and inspects utility facilities to ensure they are in proper working order. Utilities are entitled to recover the expenses associated with operating the utility, plus a reasonable return on infrastructure investments. This money is collected through the rates that customers pay. When a utility requests a rate adjustment from the ACC, several steps are taken. The ACC reviews the company’s financial condition and ensures the company is fulfilling its obligations to customers. The ACC Staff prepares a staff report which lays out staff’s position. A public hearing is held and presided over by an Administrative Law Judge. The judge considers the facts as presented in the testimony and prepares a Recommended Opinion and Order (ROO) which advises the Commission of Staff’s recommendations regarding the rate case. The Commission considers the ROO and may accept, modify or reject any or all of recommendations.
  • I’m installing a pool. Do you need to be notified and is there a discount for filling a pool?
    Global Water does not need to be notified – feel free to fill or refill your pool at any time. We do not, unfortunately, offer any discounts associated with the filling of a pool or other water feature.

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Comments and Questions
Public Notice
Public Notice

Please see the Customer Notices page for more information.

Comments and Questions

Have a comment or a question for us?  Please let us know by using the form below.

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